Delta Jammy in Food Africa Exhibition_3
Written by Super User
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Delta Jammy Event
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Delta Co. for Sweets &food industries (S.A.E)
10th of Ramadan city ,Third industrial zone A2
Alsharquia , Egypt
Phone: 002-045-4412930
Phone: 002-045-4412932
Mobile: 002-010-01380656
Mobile: 002-010-01796306
Sales Whats-app: 002-010-01738537
Export Whats-app: 002-010-02616600
Fax: 002-045-4412980
Email: info@deltajammy.com
we have been in the business of sweet production for 103 years. What started as a craft in Tanta 1913, launched to be one of the fast-growing companies in the Egyptian economy.....Ahmed Sobhy Elshanawany